TIL test

All About Italy for Myanmar Students - TIL test

Polito, Polimi websiteအရ engineering/ archi ဘာသာရပ် စိတ်ဝင်စားသူတွေအတွက် လေ့လာရန်လိုအပ်သော ဘာသာရပ်များ

The online TIL-I test is an individual test, available in English and Italian, which is different for each applicant. It is made up of automatically and randomly selected computer
interface questions. All tests have an equivalent level of difficulty.

The TIL-I test consists of 42 questions, divided into 4 sections, with a predetermined number of questions to be finished within a pre-set time:
- 16 Mathematics questions - 36 minutes
- 10 Reading comprehension and Logical reasoning questions - 20 minutes
- 10 Physics questions - 22 minutes
- 6 Basic Technical knowledge questions 12 minutes
The total time for the TIL-I test is set at one hour and thirty minutes.
Each question has 5 possible answers marked with the letters A, B, C, D, E, only one of which is correct.

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